Superior ChromAcrylic Paint

RM 75.00

Weight: 2062g

Size: 145mm x 105mm x 210mm 

Brand: Superior

Net WT: 2 litre

Color: 7 colors

ChromAcrylic is non-toxic made for the classroom student's paint. Ready mixed paint removes easily from brushes, clothing, screens, etc. even when dry ( Caution: like tempera, it may stain some fabrics). Available in a variety of brilliant water resistant colors, they adapt to the whole art program, lino and silk screen printing, painting murals, paper mache, clay, plaster, wood, etc. ChromAcrylic is in the same price range as tempera, An optional pump dispenser is available for dispensing form the half gallon size. ChromAcrylic Student's Acrylic paint available in 1 PT.  and 1/2 gal. bottles.